How to Login to Talapas

How to Login to Talapas

Your username on Talapas will be your Duck ID.  (That is, if your email address is alice@uoregon.edu, your Talapas username will be "alice".)  Your password is the same University-wide and can be managed at the UO password reset page.

You must have a valid University of Oregon DuckID to use Talapas.

We leverage the UO Identity Access Management system, Microsoft Active Directory, for authentication which requires all users to have a valid DuckID.

Links are provided below for external collaborators, graduating researchers, or automation accounts to continue their access to the cluster.


A virtual private network (VPN) connection is recommended to access the cluster. This adds an extra layer of security, and will only prompt you for 2-factor authentication once.

Instructions here: Article - Getting Started with UO VPN (uoregon.edu)

Connecting via SSH

The SSH protocol is used for all shell connections to the login nodes.  Multiple SSH are clients available–you can use whichever one you find most convenient.

If you’re not connected to the UOVPN, you’ll want to SSH to our login loadbalancer:


If you’re connected to the UOVPN, you can use any one of the 4 login nodes directly:





Your files will be present on all login nodes, so you don’t need to always use the same one!

Once logged into a login node, you can navigate the storage system, write scripts, edit code, and launch jobs.  Remember that login nodes are NOT an appropriate place to run applications or simulations. A good rule of thumb to use: if something takes longer than a few seconds to run, then it's inappropriate for a login node. Instead, use a compute node.  For information on launching an interactive session on a compute node see How-to Start an Interactive Job.

Mac OS X and Linux

If you're logging in from one of these operating systems, it's easiest to just use the builtin ssh command.  To do this, open a terminal emulation program (often called "Terminal") to get a command-line on your workstati