How-to: Install Globus CLI
Globus CLI allows you to programmatically transfer files. Globus CLI is installed on Talapas login nodes and accessed by running:
[marka@talapas-ln2 ~]$ module load python3 [marka@talapas-ln2 ~]$ globus login
You can also install Globus CLI on your local machine for use with Globus Personal Connect. Below are instructions for installing on a Mac.
Globus CLI reference documentation
Globus CLI installation documentation
Install any prerequisites as needed. The installation uses pip and the full version of python3 is recommended.
Here's the documentation to install python3 on a mac using the homebrew package manager
Install Globus CLI
pip install --upgrade --user globus-cli
Globus CLI examples
Globus Login
After running globus login
in your terminal window, you will be directed to a web page to login with your UO credentials.
Marks-MacBook-Pro:~ marka$ globus login You are running 'globus login', which should automatically open a browser window for you to login. If this fails or you experience difficulty, try 'globus login --no-local-server' --- You have successfully logged in to the Globus CLI! You can check your primary identity with globus whoami For information on which of your identities are in session use globus session show Logout of the Globus CLI with globus logout Marks-MacBook-Pro:~ marka$ globus whoami Marks-MacBook-Pro:~ marka$ globus get-identities '' c7108429-4afb-44b0-9957-e28e56bdf396
List available commands
globus list-commands
Search for a Globus endpoint
Marks-MacBook-Pro:~ marka$ globus endpoint search Talapas ID | Owner | Display Name ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | --------------- b4221f50-6dc5-11e9-bf46-0e4a062367b8 | | Talapas
Search for a Globus endpoint with filter
Marks-MacBook-Pro:~ marka$ globus endpoint search --filter-scope my-endpoints ID | Owner | Display Name ------------------------------------ | ----------------- | ---------------- 97e58874-d33f-11e9-939f-02ff96a5aa76 | | marka-MacBookPro 79c2ad02-acd1-11e9-a379-0a2653bc2660 | | marka-testing
Display information about the Talapas endpoint
Marks-MacBook-Pro:~ marka$ globus endpoint show b4221f50-6dc5-11e9-bf46-0e4a062367b8 Display Name: Talapas ID: b4221f50-6dc5-11e9-bf46-0e4a062367b8 Owner: Activated: False Shareable: True Department: Research Advanced Computing Services Keywords: attached storage Endpoint Info Link: Contact E-mail: Organization: University of Oregon Department: Research Advanced Computing Services Other Contact Info: Visibility: True Default Directory: /~/ Force Encryption: False Managed Endpoint: True Subscription ID: cc122247-7d3e-11e7-8d49-22000b9923ef Legacy Name: uoregon#Talapas2 Local User Info Available: True
Activate/Authenticate against an endpoint
You will be directed to a web page to login with your UO credentials. Click 'Advanced' to enter credential lifetime.
Marks-MacBook-Pro:~ marka$ globus endpoint activate --web 97e58874-d33f-11e9-939f-02ff96a5aa76
Transfer file from one endpoint to another
For example, transfer a directory on my local macbook endpoint to an endpoint I've created on Talapas.
Note: A destination directory name is required. Also, $dest_ep
has a 'Host Path' of /projects/hpcrcf/marka/testing/
this is not visible in the CLI command ouput 'globus endpoint show $dest_ep
Marks-MacBook-Pro:~ marka$ source_ep=97e58874-d33f-11e9-939f-02ff96a5aa76 Marks-MacBook-Pro:~ marka$ dest_ep=79c2ad02-acd1-11e9-a379-0a2653bc2660 Marks-MacBook-Pro:~ marka$ globus transfer -r --verify-checksum $source_ep:/Users/marka/globus_ep/linux-5.2.13-copy1/ $dest_ep:linux-copy1 Message: The transfer has been accepted and a task has been created and queued for execution Task ID: ad31ba86-d35d-11e9-939f-02ff96a5aa76
View tasks
globus task list
View only active tasks
globus task list --filter-status ACTIVE
Show details of a task
Marks-MacBook-Pro:~ marka$ globus task show 4a86fc98-d358-11e9-9cf3-0edb67dd7a14 Label: None Task ID: 4a86fc98-d358-11e9-9cf3-0edb67dd7a14 Is Paused: False Type: TRANSFER Directories: 4302 Files: 64545 Status: SUCCEEDED Request Time: 2019-09-09 23:19:38+00:00 Faults: 0 Total Subtasks: 68848 Subtasks Succeeded: 68848 Subtasks Pending: 0 Subtasks Retrying: 0 Subtasks Failed: 0 Subtasks Canceled: 0 Subtasks Expired: 0 Completion Time: 2019-09-09 23:24:40+00:00 Source Endpoint: marka-MacBookPro Source Endpoint ID: 97e58874-d33f-11e9-939f-02ff96a5aa76 Destination Endpoint: marka-testing Destination Endpoint ID: 79c2ad02-acd1-11e9-a379-0a2653bc2660 Bytes Transferred: 819556855 Bytes Per Second: 2714391
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