How-to run Mathematica
This article gives a 3 simple examples showing how to run Mathematica on Talapas.
We have several versions available, to view run, module available Mathematica
Talapas Desktop
Access Open OnDemand, Open OnDemand
In the top ribbon, select the ‘Interactive Apps' dropdown menu. Choose ‘Talapas Desktop'.
Enter account and job resource information. Once an allocation is granted, click 'Launch noVNC in New Tab'.
In the top ribbon of the Talapas Desktop, click the MATE Terminal icon to open a terminal window.
module load Mathematica
This will launch the Mathematica 12 GUI.
ssh onto a talapas login node,
Start an interactive job, How-to Start an Interactive Job
Once on the allocated node enter,
module load Mathematica
This will launch the Mathematica 12 Kernel.
For longer running non-interactive use cases call Mathematica in batch. Create the file math-job.srun. In the file, add the desired slurm declarations, load the module, call the application.
#SBATCH --account=<pirg-name>
#SBATCH --job-name=mat-job
#SBATCH --output=mat-job.out
#SBATCH --error=mat-job.err
module load Mathematica
math -run < math-file.m
Submit the job
Use the sbatch command to submit the job.