This guide provides the basics of connecting to and using the Talapas HPC cluster.
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Getting a Talapas Account
If you don't already have an account, see the Request Access page to get one.
Logging on to Talapas
For UO users, your username on Talapas will be your Duck ID. (That is, if your email address is, your Talapas username will be "alice".) Your password is the same university-wide, and can be managed at the UO the UO password reset page.
For non-UO users, you will have received a username and password in the email granting you access.
Talapas currently has two four login nodes:
These hosts are entirely equivalent.
You can use whichever seems less busy, or use hostname talapas-login but the recommended method is by logging in via the load balancer:
to be sent to one randomlylogged into one of the four nodes with the least amount of traffic.
If you are logging in from a Linux or Mac OS X workstation, open a terminal and type
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ssh |
If you are logging in from Windows, download an SSH client like Putty or MobaXterm and do the equivalent.
If you're accessing Talapas from Linux or Mac OS X, you can use scp
or rsync
to to transfer files. For example, type
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scp chr1.fasta myusername@talapas-ln1myusername@login[1-4] |
to copy the named file to your Talapas home directory in either of the 4 login nodes (login1,...,login4)
There are also GUI tools available for file transfer via SCP or SFTP. Filezilla is available for all common platforms.
Also, /wiki/spaces/HPC/pages/1769536 Globus is available, and is particularly useful for the transfer of large files.
Here's a link to our wiki page, How-to: Use Globus
Storing your Data
As a Talapas user, you have these directories available for storing and manipulating your files.
See Storage for more details.
Read about how to find software on our Software page. Read on for the absolute basics.
Talapas uses the Lmod environment module software to provide access to the various installed software packages. Type
In order to ensure correct service charges, all SLURM jobs on Talapas require that an account be specified. You can do this explicitly using the --account
(or -A
) option to sbatch
or srun. This is shown in the first example below, but omitted from the rest for clarity. Alternatively, you can set the environment variables SLURM_ACCOUNT
in your ~/.bash_profile
if you like.
Note that if you a member of multiple PIRGs, it is your responsibility to specify the correct account for each job.
If you're not sure what your PIRG/account name is, you can use the groups command. It will show a list of groups that you're in. A few are system groups that you cannot charge to (e.g., talapas
, gaussian
). But within that list you should recognize the PIRGs that you are a member of.
Running a Batch Job
Talapas uses the SLURM job scheduler and resource manager to provide a way to submit large computational tasks to the cluster in a batch fashion.
As a basic example, here is a simple batch script to run the hostname
command on one compute node. To run it, first create a file hostname.batch
containing these lines:
language | bash |
title | hostname.batch |
If your SLURM job invokes subsidiary calls to 'sbatch', you might also need to include lines like this in your batch script to make sure that the subsidiary 'sbatch' calls also see the account information:
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Note that if you a member of multiple PIRGs, it is your responsibility to specify the correct account for each job.
If you're not sure what your PIRG/account name is, you can use the groups command. It will show a list of groups that you're in. A few are system groups that you cannot charge to (e.g., talapas
, gaussian
). But within that list you should recognize the PIRGs that you are a member of.
Running a Batch Job
Talapas uses the SLURM job scheduler and resource manager to provide a way to submit large computational tasks to the cluster in a batch fashion.
As a basic example, here is a simple batch script to run the hostname
command on one compute node. To run it, first create a file hostname.batch
containing these lines:
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| ||||
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --account=<myaccount> ### change this to your actual account for charging #SBATCH --partition=short ### queue to submit to #SBATCH --job-name=myhostjob ### job name #SBATCH --output=hostname.out ### file in which to store job stdout #SBATCH --error=hostname.err ### file in which to store job stderr #SBATCH --time=5 ### wall-clock time limit, in minutes #SBATCH --mem=100M ### memory limit, per cpunode, in MB #SBATCH --nodes=1 ### number of nodes to use #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1 ### number of tasks to launch per node #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1 ### number of cores for each task hostname |
Code Block | ||
| ||
srun --ptyaccount=hpcrcf --pty --partition=short --mem=1024M --time=240 bash |
The above command is good for running single programs. If you'll be doing something that will invoke multiple parallel processes or threads, like a parallel make or multi-threaded program, you might want to add a --cpus-per-task=N
flag to allocate more cores. Note that on Talapas, using --ntasks
(or -n
) instead of --cpus-per-task
(or -c
) is virtually always the wrong thing to do, and will make your session run more slowly.
Running Graphical Interactive Jobs
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srun --account=hpcrcf --x11 --pty --partition=short --mem=4G --time=4:00 bash |
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| ||
xrun --account=hpcrcf --partition=short --mem=1024 --time=4 bash |
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sacct -j 301111 --format=JobID,JobName,ReqMem,MaxRSS,Elapsed
JobID JobName ReqMem MaxRSS Elapsed
------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
301111 myjobname 3800Mc 16:00:28
301111.batch batch 3800Mc 197180K 16:00:30
301111.exte+ extern 3800Mc 2172K 16:00:29 |
This job used about 193MB (197180K) of RAM at its peak and ran for a bit over 16 hours.
There's also a helper script 'seff' that provides similar information and is a bit easier to type. Just say "seff JOBID".
See Memory for more details.
Special Handling for Quarterly Maintenance Events
Approximately once per quarter, Talapas is taken down for maintenance, to update software and hardware, make repairs, etc. To minimize the disruption, SLURM reservations are added to "block out" those times. If you take no special steps, a job request that you make that runs into a maintenance window will be held and run after the window.
This is often what you'd want. But, sometimes you might want a job to start right away, even if the entire optimal running time is not available. You can specify this using the "--
This job used about 193MB (197180K) of RAM at its peak, and ran for a bit over 16 hours.
See Memory for more details.min-time" flag to specify a minimum acceptable time limit for the job.
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#SBATCH --time=0-8:00:00
#SBATCH --time-min=0-1:00:00
... |
Using the above flag, you'll normally get a time limit of eight hours. But, if there are reservations that would delay the start of your job, SLURM will consider any time limit down to one hour to be acceptable and start the job immediately. (SLURM will prefer the largest available time limit.)
Being a Good Cluster Citizen