As of this article update, we have the following versions of R installed on Talapas,
3.3.3 3.3.3_intel-17 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.4.3 3.4.4 3.5.1 3.5.3 3.6.1 3.6.1_gcc7 3.6.2 4.0.2 4.0.2_gcc7
Note: packages within each version of R are not the same! There may be different packages or different package versions.
Intel R
Intel is the default. To run an Intel compiled version of R, run,
$ module load R/4.0.2 $ R
gcc R
We have 2 versions of R compiled with gcc7 (3.6.1_gcc7 and 4.0.2_gcc7) built specifically to support RStan. To use these versions you must first load gcc,
$ module load gcc Lmod is automatically replacing "intel/17" with "gcc/7.3". $ module load R/4.0.2 $ R
Verify the path of the R executable that is loaded use the bash command which
$ which R /packages/R/4.0.2_gcc7/bin/R
To list installed packages and version information, run
$ module load R/4.0.2 $ R > installed.packages()[,c("Package","Version")] Package Version abind "abind" "1.4-5" ...
ssh onto a talapas login node, How-to Log Into Talapas
Start an interactive job, How-to Start an Interactive Job
Once on the allocated node enter,
$ module load R/4.0.2 $ R
For longer running non-interactive use cases call Mathematica in batch. Create the file math-job.srun. In the file, add the desired slurm declarations, load the module, call the application.
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --account=<pirg-name> #SBATCH --job-name=mat-job #SBATCH --output=mat-job.out #SBATCH --error=mat-job.err module load Mathematica math -run < math-file.m
Submit the job
Use the sbatch command to submit the job.
$ sbatch mat-job.srun