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Comment: doc required account flag


See How-to Use LMOD for more details.

SLURM Accounts

In order to ensure correct service charges, all SLURM jobs on Talapas require that an account be specified.  You can do this explicitly using the --account (or -A) option to sbatch or srun.  This is shown in the first example below, but omitted from the rest for clarity.  Alternatively, you can set the environment variables SLURM_ACCOUNT and SBATCH_ACCOUNT in your ~/.bash_profile if you like.

Note that if you a member of multiple PIRGs, it is your responsibility to specify the correct account for each job.

If you're not sure what your PIRG/account name is, you can use the groups command.  It will show a list of groups that you're in.  A few are system groups that you cannot charge to (e.g., talapas, gaussian).  But within that list you should recognize the PIRGs that you are a member of.

Running a Batch Job

Talapas uses the SLURM job scheduler and resource manager to provide a way to submit large computational tasks to the cluster in a batch fashion.


Code Block
#SBATCH --account=<myaccount>   ### change this to your actual account for charging
#SBATCH --partition=short       ### queue to submit to
#SBATCH --job-name=myhostjob    ### job name
#SBATCH --output=hostname.out   ### file in which to store job stdout
#SBATCH --error=hostname.err    ### file in which to store job stderr
#SBATCH --time=5                ### wall-clock time limit, in minutes
#SBATCH --mem=100M              ### memory limit, per cpu, in MB
#SBATCH --nodes=1               ### number of nodes to use
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1     ### number of tasks to launch per node
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1       ### number of cores for each task

